Services You May Not Know Are Performed By a Locksmith
You may know to call a locksmith when you've been locked out of your house or car, or when you move into a new home and want to change the locks. However, this is not the only time you might benefit from their services, as locksmiths do much more than just let you back in to your home or car after a lockout. Note a few services you may not know are often performed by a locksmith so you know when to call one.
1. Home security checks
Are you worried about your home's most vulnerable areas when it comes to potential intruders? A locksmith can often perform a home security check, including a check of the locks on doors, windows, garages, sheds, and the like. They can note areas where you home might be vulnerable because of poor-quality locks, poor lighting, flimsy entry doors, or other such features. They can also then replace the locks on any of these areas with something more durable and heavy-duty, and which would be tougher for an intruder or thief to actually pick or break open.
2. Installing doors
You may think you need to call a home contractor to hang a new entryway door, but a locksmith might be a good choice instead. This is because your door needs to be installed properly for the locks to work. If the bolt of the lock isn't properly aligned with the hole that's drilled into the doorframe, it might not close all the way, leaving the entryway vulnerable. You also need to ensure that the hole is drilled to a proper depth so the bolt can slide in all the way. A locksmith is usually very skilled at these tasks and may be the better options for hanging an entryway door, to ensure your home's overall security.
3. Repairing locks
If you've broken a key off in a lock or a lock is stuck for any reason, don't assume you should run to the hardware store and get an entirely new door handle, or call your car dealer and make an appointment to have the lock replaced. Very often a locksmith can repair a lock, meaning that they can open it up and note why it's not working or get that broken key out without having to replace the lock itself. This can be much more affordable and usually faster than having a dealer remove and replace the locks to your car door or having to remove the handle to your front door and replace that simply because the lock itself is not working.