
About Me
Kelly's Keys, Locks and Safes Blog: Tips, Ideas and Strategies

Welcome. My name is Kelly. I know a lot about keys, locks and safes, and I want to share that information with you. My father was a locksmith, and as a single dad, he ended up taking me to work with him a lot. Later, I learned more about safes in particular when I studied criminal justice briefly. Ultimately, I decided to take my professional life in a different direction, but I love these topics, reading about them and writing about them. If the info in these blogs helps you -- and I certainly hope it does -- please share these posts with your friends. Enjoy!


4 Stressful Situations When You Really Need a Locksmith

14 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Think you only need a locksmith when your house has been broken into? Think again. There are plenty of key-related situations when it makes sense to call a professional. Here are four stressful situations when you really need a locksmith. 1. You've partied too hard and lost your keys You know the drill by now. You say you're popping out for one drink and end up having a belly-full. The problem is, you need to stumble home and make it back to your bed without disturbing everyone else in your property. Read More …

Why You Need a Locksmith That Provides After-Hours Call out Services

21 August 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Almost all homeowners install house door locks with security and safety considerations in mind, and you are probably no exception. Door locks reduce the risk of unauthorised entry into your home especially when you are not around. At some point, however, these same locks may prevent you from getting inside your home if the doors are locked and you've lost, misplaced or broken the house keys. Here's how a locksmith that offers after-hours call outs will come in handy in case such a situation arises. Read More …